Do You Know Robby?
Yeah, me neither. Apparently his friends want to make him famous though....and somehow they came to the misguided conclusion that if RBIE linked to his fan site, then they would be that much closer to achieving their goal.
Their poor marketing skills notwithstanding, Robby's friends have a lot our readers can learn from. For one thing, they can appreciate genius and charisma when they see it...a talent most of my friends unfortunately lack.
So spread the word. Afterall, now that France has rejected the EU Constitution, the world must look to a new source for inspiration. Maybe that source is Robby. Or maybe the last two sentences don't make any sense and I just wanted to mention the EU constitution without having to write an entire post about it. Whatever the case, we've all had a bit too much to drink tonight and it's important we don't criticize. And by "we," we mean you. And by "you," we mean our readers. And by "our readers," we mean Mom.