Friday, February 24, 2006

Dermot Defies Typecasting Once Again.

This friday night, I decided to forego my normal slew of endless dates to sit at home and enjoy a wholesome film about young love. Um, relatively young love. Well, not-quite-old love.

In "The Wedding Date," Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney are not your typical romantic-comedy couple....she's a single girl dreading her sister's wedding ever since her fiance dumped her a year ago, and he's a hooker she's hired to accompany her to the wedding and fool everyone into thinking she's happy and secure.

I know. Unique, right? Yeah. I just wasted two hours I will never get back...and I'm ok with that. Dermot is hott. With two ts. What I'm not ok with is that I don't have my own hooker in shining armor. Then again, as Nick (Dermot's alter ego) says in the film, "every woman has the love life that she wants." And he's been in like 10 romantic comedies. So he would know.

Not to change the subject, but Bob Costas just asked Sasha Cohen if she would like to hook-up with some skier who looks like Carrot Top. Since when is it ok to pimp out our Olympic Athletes? It's not a bad idea...speedskater Joey Cheek has been giving me the eye all week. Yes, from Italy. Shut up. You're drunk.