Friday, April 29, 2005


We all know I am not the most well-informed Jew on the planet; however I have been noticing some very strange and contradictory behavior from my people.

1. On a recent episode of "While You Were Out" on TLC (please note that I hate this show and watch it as seldom as possible) they decided to make over the dining room in an Orthodox Jewish home. Not commenting on the fact that the table had to sit 20 people, it was repeated over and over again that the men on the cast were not allowed to touch the woman of the house. Some tradition, about her husband being the only man to touch her.

2. In Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 3 teenage Orthodox Jewish boys were killed in a fire in their home because a stove had been left on for 3 days. They weren't allowed to turn it off because it is Passover and they aren't supposed to use electricity.

3. While on the subway yesterday, I saw an Orthodox Jewish family crammed on the 4 train during rush hour. So that means they were not only touching something that uses electricity, but judging by how crowded the subway was, all of the women were probably touching other men.

What gives??