A Girl Can Dream...
Dear Sunday Manager at Cafe Asia,
Sometimes when i walk by a restaurant that has outside seating, i like to pause and watch the patrons sip their thai ice-teas and enjoy their relaxing afternoons...and i like to imagine that they are my friends and we are having lunch.
I dont know why you had a hard time comprehending this (i can only guess there was a language barrier), but confronting me in front of everyone and asking me if i wanted my own table or would rather move along as i was making table four uncomfortable was a bit of an overreaction on your part, don't you think? Obviously i was joking when i pointed in the direction of the 3 lovely people sitting there and responded that indeed i wanted to sit at that table and no other. There's a very simple explanation for why I was so close to them in the first place-- it's impossible to imagine yourself as part of a group conversation if you don't even know the topic of discussion!
I hope this letter clears up any doubts you had as to my character and that you will kindly remove the order barring me from your establishment. I, in turn, will forgive you for your unprovoked harassment.
Sincerely Yours,
P.S. maybe we can have lunch sometime?
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