Friday, March 25, 2005

I Do Not Condone The Killing of Jamie

Happy Purim to all our Jewish friends!!

The story behind the holiday, as told to me this morning by a kind Russian refugee,* is as follows:

The King of Persia wanted a new wife because his first one was a bitch. So he married a Jewish girl named Esther, not knowing that she was Jewish (which is strange, because hey, her name was ESTHER). The king also wanted to kill all the Jews. As you can imagine, this was unsettling to Esther. Luckily, she “came out” to her husband and saved all the Jews from imminent death.

So according to my new babushka, to celebrate the saving of their people, good Jewish people get really drunk until they forget their religious tenets, then dress up in costume and party. get drunk, forget shit, and wear a crazy wig. check. I think I might be Jewish.

*any inaccuracies in the story may be attributed to my limited comprehension of the Russian language.